The nasal septum is cartilage that separates the two nostrils in two equal parts. Severe unevenness of nasal septum which may lead to complications like blockage of nostrils and difficulty in breathing due to narrowing of the nasal passage is known as deviated nasal septum(DNS).
DNS is often a congenital condition and may develop during fetal growth in the womb, though other causes for DNS may include, some mishappenings, like injuries during contact sports such as boxing, rough fights, and automobile accidents. In infants, it may be caused due to injuries during childbirth.
People with a slight deviation of nasal septum usually do not present with any significant symptoms. The need to see a doctor arises when DNS is severe and presents with symptoms like obstruction of one or more nostrils, making it difficult to breathe, upper respiratory infections where nasal passage becomes swollen and further increase the problem, regular exposure of the enlarged nostrils to dry air, which may result in crusting and bleeding, pressure on one side of the face due to deviated septum leading to one-sided facial pains, deviation or swelling in the intranasal tissues that might become the cause of regular snoring or noisy breathing during sleep, having side preferences for sleeping, preferably sleeping on the side in which one finds easy to breathe, start presenting with symptoms of sinus infections.
Need to see a doctor arises when difficulty in breathing becomes permanent and severe, there are frequent nosebleeds and recurrent sinus infections.
If we talk about treating DNS permanently, it can only be achieved by surgery. Most of the time people do not choose this option due to the costs and risks involved. Symptoms of DNS can be effectively managed by other ways of treatment that might not be able to provide a permanent solution to this deformity but can save a person from undergoing surgery and help in living with the condition in a better way.
Homeopathic treatment for DNS can prove to be a very helpful and effective way of managing the symptoms of DNS. One may consult the homeopathy doctor for DNS for getting symptomatic relief and enhancing or improving immunity, as DNS predisposes to other respiratory diseases.
For In most of the cases of DNS, the homeopathic doctor goes for constitutional remedy, which helps in reducing the recurrences and build resistance towards frequent infections. DNS is a mechanical deformity and thus cannot be cured without surgery, but its consequences can be easily managed through homeopathy constitutional remedy.
Homeopathy works on the holistic concept, according to which whenever any deviation from normal health happens it is considered that it’s not the particular part of the body that is affected or diseased, but it’s the whole body that is suffering. So, for homeopathic treatment of any disease doctor chooses a remedy that is similar not only to the symptoms of the patient but also to his constitution, his desires, his temperament, individual susceptibility, etc. This is the constitutional remedy that has the capability of curing any medical condition of its roots.
Though DNS cannot be cured of roots by homeopathy, its consequent symptoms can be effectively controlled in AVI homeopathy. It is the best homeopathic clinic in Jaipur and is well known for its renowned services in the field of homeopathy. AVI homeopathy is also available online for those patients who do not live in Jaipur or are unable to visit the clinic physically.
Dr. Ashok Choudhary, who is the owner of AVI homeopathy and homeopathic hospital in Jaipur is a specialist homeopathic doctor for DNS. He has vast experience of 21 years in this field and is best known for providing effective and satisfactory treatment to his patients.
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