Saturday, July 24, 2021

Best Homeopathy Treatment for Delayed Milestones

There is a range of standard time defined for some milestones in the life of a child, which if not reached in time, may point out towards some medical condition.

All children reach the milestones at different paces in their lives, some tend to grow faster and more, while others tend to grow slowly. It is possible that two siblings in the same family may grow at different paces, attain their milestones at different ages. For reaching every milestone in life, there is a range of standard time defined, slight delays are normal, but if the child regularly faces delays in reaching milestones on time, it is likely that the child may have to face some physical challenges in the future life.

If a child is delayed in learning a language, ability to think and delay in social and motor skills, they are grouped under developmental delays. It is difficult for the parents to actually diagnose developmental delays, so it is advised for regular checkups of your young ones so that if any delays are there, proper therapies and medications can be given on time.

Fine motor skills include movements of hands like holding a toy or crayons. While gross motor skills include larger movements like jumping, climbing stairs, or throwing a ball. Some signs that may show that your child is delayed in developing fine or gross motor skills include signs like, floppy trunk and limbs, stiffness in arms and legs, limited movement of arms and legs, difficulty in sitting without support, even after 9 months of age, the dominance of involuntary reflexes over voluntary movements, inability to stand on legs by about 1 year of age.

The parents need to understand that speech delays and language delays are different things. While making a speech we require to use our vocal tract, tongue, lips, and jaws to make a sound. Speech delay means that the child is not able to speak that many words that a child of that certain age require to speak. While in language delay the child finds it difficult to understand what the others are saying, and do not understand what he should speak to express himself. A language includes speech, gesturing, signing and writing.

Early diagnosis is very important to improve the prognosis and development of your child, so parents should be vigilant enough since beginning to look for the symptoms of delayed milestones.

Homeopathic treatment for delayed milestones is a safe, gentle, effective and natural way of treatment for children. Homoeopathy can provide very effective treatment and management in cases of delayed milestones, with therapies as a supportive treatment. You can choose homoeopathy from the beginning of the life of your little one. It is easy to consume, rapid in action and natural cures and strengthens their body from within.

If you think that your child is not thriving and growing well as he should be, you may consult AVI Homeopathy. It is the best Homeopathic clinic in Jaipur, which has been serving humanity with its world-class Homeopathic treatment for a very long time. It is also available for online consultation from the Homeopathic doctor for delayed milestones, for the parents who live far away from Jaipur and cannot visit the clinic physically for consultation. You may contact the doctor through audio calls or video conferencing as per the requirement.

Dr Ashok Choudhary is the owner and founder of AVI Homeopathy. He is a renowned Homeopathic doctor in Jaipur for the treatment of all childhood diseases. With his consistent efforts, he has become the best Homeopathy Doctor for Delayed Milestones in the country. You may visit the clinic or go for online consultation for your child at your convenience and need.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Scope of homeopathy in DNS

The nasal septum is cartilage that separates the two nostrils in two equal parts. Severe unevenness of nasal septum which may lead to complications like blockage of nostrils and difficulty in breathing due to narrowing of the nasal passage is known as deviated nasal septum(DNS).

DNS is often a congenital condition and may develop during fetal growth in the womb, though other causes for DNS may include, some mishappenings, like injuries during contact sports such as boxing, rough fights, and automobile accidents. In infants, it may be caused due to injuries during childbirth.

People with a slight deviation of nasal septum usually do not present with any significant symptoms. The need to see a doctor arises when DNS is severe and presents with symptoms like obstruction of one or more nostrils, making it difficult to breathe, upper respiratory infections where nasal passage becomes swollen and further increase the problem, regular exposure of the enlarged nostrils to dry air, which may result in crusting and bleeding, pressure on one side of the face due to deviated septum leading to one-sided facial pains, deviation or swelling in the intranasal tissues that might become the cause of regular snoring or noisy breathing during sleep, having side preferences for sleeping, preferably sleeping on the side in which one finds easy to breathe, start presenting with symptoms of sinus infections.

Need to see a doctor arises when difficulty in breathing becomes permanent and severe, there are frequent nosebleeds and recurrent sinus infections.

If we talk about treating DNS permanently, it can only be achieved by surgery. Most of the time people do not choose this option due to the costs and risks involved. Symptoms of DNS can be effectively managed by other ways of treatment that might not be able to provide a permanent solution to this deformity but can save a person from undergoing surgery and help in living with the condition in a better way.

Homeopathic treatment for DNS can prove to be a very helpful and effective way of managing the symptoms of DNS. One may consult the homeopathy doctor for DNS for getting symptomatic relief and enhancing or improving immunity, as DNS predisposes to other respiratory diseases.

For In most of the cases of DNS, the homeopathic doctor goes for constitutional remedy, which helps in reducing the recurrences and build resistance towards frequent infections. DNS is a mechanical deformity and thus cannot be cured without surgery, but its consequences can be easily managed through homeopathy constitutional remedy. 

Homeopathy works on the holistic concept, according to which whenever any deviation from normal health happens it is considered that it’s not the particular part of the body that is affected or diseased, but it’s the whole body that is suffering. So, for homeopathic treatment of any disease doctor chooses a remedy that is similar not only to the symptoms of the patient but also to his constitution, his desires, his temperament, individual susceptibility, etc. This is the constitutional remedy that has the capability of curing any medical condition of its roots.

Though DNS cannot be cured of roots by homeopathy, its consequent symptoms can be effectively controlled in AVI homeopathy. It is the best homeopathic clinic in Jaipur and is well known for its renowned services in the field of homeopathy. AVI homeopathy is also available online for those patients who do not live in Jaipur or are unable to visit the clinic physically.

Dr. Ashok Choudhary, who is the owner of AVI homeopathy and homeopathic hospital in Jaipur is a specialist homeopathic doctor for DNS. He has vast experience of 21 years in this field and is best known for providing effective and satisfactory treatment to his patients.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Homeopathic treatment for allergies

Allergies are abnormal reactions of your body’s immune system to any foreign substance. The foreign substances that are responsible for producing allergies are called allergens. Most of the times allergies are mild and may not be very harmful to your body, which may subside on their own, but sometimes symptoms can be severe and require medical help.

Many substances can act as an allergen, for example, foods like dairy products, eggs, fish, nuts, gluten, etc, or ordinary things that are found around our homes like mites, insect stings, and bites, pets, grasses, weeds, and pollen. Some children are even found allergic even to rubber products. There are a few medicines also that are known for causing allergies.


Symptoms produced by the allergies can be vast and depend upon many factors like what type of allergy you have and how severe it is. Mild types of allergy may subside after some time of their own and do not need any medication but severe ones can be so severe that they may even prove fatal, if not attended to properly. 


There can be several causes of allergy which might present with different types of allergies and can cause a vast spectrum of signs and symptoms. Broadly we can classify them in following categories-


Food allergies- People with food allergies can experience reactions like hives, swelling, nausea, shortness of breath, tightness in the throat, fatigue, weak pulse, etc. Sometimes symptoms are mild and pass away quickly but if symptoms get severe or remain for a longer period one should seek medical help.


Seasonal allergies- As the name suggests seasonal allergies and allergies to certain pollen are seasonal. Most often it happens whenever there is a change of season or there is time for blooming of certain species of plants that produce pollen which act as an allergen. This kind of allergy mostly causes allergic rhinitis or might lead to allergic asthma. Symptoms of allergic rhinitis are somewhat like common flu, like sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, watery and itchy eyes, feeling of congestion and in some severe conditions there might be shortness of breath, wheezing, and intense coughing. In allergic asthma when allergens get into the airway the muscles around them tighten and become inflamed, resulting in flooding of mucous and thus blocking the airway passage which leads to cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, and tightness of chest, etc.


Severe allergies- Severe allergic reactions are termed “anaphylaxis” in which swelling increases so much that it almost chokes the throat, thereby preventing air from getting through. In more serious conditions your blood pressure can drop substantially, sometimes leading to shock. It's an emergency condition and requires immediate medical intervention, otherwise, it can prove fatal.


Homeopathy has been known for ages for its exceptional results in treating allergies of any and every kind. Homeopathic treatment for allergy not only treats the presenting complaints of the patient but is also very efficient in reducing the abnormal immune response of the body towards different allergens. Homeopathic treatment plays a very successful role in boosting up the overall immune system of the person.


AVI Homeopathy is the best homeopathic clinic in Jaipur for providing world-class homeopathic treatmentDr. Ashok Choudhary is the owner of AVI homeopathy and homeopathic hospital in Jaipur and has got a very good reputation in treating all types of allergies. Dr. Choudhary has a vast experience of 21 years in this field and is considered to be the best homeopathic doctor for allergy in Jaipur. AVI homeopathy is also available for online consultation to patients who are not able to visit the clinic in person.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Homeopathic treatment for coeliac disease

Coeliac disease or coeliac sprue, or gluten-sensitive enteropathy is a medical condition in which a person’s immune system becomes sensitive towards gluten, which is a protein present in wheat, barley, and rye. Due to this reaction gluten triggers an immune response, which leads to the destruction of the inner lining of the small intestine. In long-term effects, it leads to malabsorption of other important nutrients which are important for the body. In children, it can have adverse effects like growth retardation and development.

What exactly causes the coeliac disease is still not known, but it is a fact that the symptoms are produced due to hypersensitivity of the immune system of the body towards gluten, hence people with coeliac disease are advised to avoid foods containing gluten.

The foods that are made up of wheat, barley, rye, or contain them as an ingredient should be avoided. Some common foods that contain gluten are- wheat flour, refined flour(maida), pasta, noodles, crackers, malt beverages, pieces of bread and pastries, baked goods, corn flakes, sauces, Brewers yeast, beer, etc.

Coeliac disease symptoms can vary from patient to patient and are different for children and adults. Children with coeliac disease mostly have digestive problems like- diarrhea, vomiting, yellowish foul-smelling stools, abdominal bloating, and pain. In adults, most of the symptoms that are commonly found are associated symptoms like- fatigue, anemia, weight loss, any combination of iron, vitB12 and folic acid deficiency, skin rashes, liver abnormalities, repeated miscarriage, neurological diseases like ataxia, etc.

Though coeliac disease is considered to be an incurable condition, with whole life abstinence of gluten in your diet, if a patient doesn’t take gluten for a long time, the villi in the small intestine get time to recover back and start working normally.

Homeopathy treatment for the coeliac disease can prove to be very helpful and effective for dealing with this syndrome. The approach of homeopathic treatment in these cases is the same as the approach taken for any other autoimmune or allergic disease. The homeopathic treatment stimulates the body naturally to maintain back the villi of the small intestines. It can reduce the allergic reaction of the body’s immune system toward gluten, and enable a person to live a better life. The homeopathic physician preferably chooses the individualized homeopathic remedy for the treatment of coeliac disease. The medicines chosen on an individual basis can go deep enough to work on the root cause of the disease, which can give a person a permanent solution to his problems.

For choosing the individualized remedy, a homeopathic doctor will do a careful case taking of the patient, investigating his likes and dislikes, his disposition, his susceptibility, his tendencies, his mental and emotional aspects, along with the physical symptoms that the patient is facing due to coeliac disease. The objective of homeopathy in these cases is to reduce the body’s hypersensitivity towards gluten and treat symptoms produced by it accordingly.

If you are looking for the Best homeopathic doctor for coeliac disease, choosing AVI homeopathy can prove to be a turning point for you. AVI homeopathy is not only the Best homeopathic clinic in Jaipur for physical consultation, it also provides the best online homeopathic consultation. Avi homeopathy has been serving in the field of homeopathy for a very long now, it is a well-known name for providing word-class homeopathic treatment to its patients.

Dr. Ashok Choudhary is a renowned homeopathic doctor in Jaipur, who owns this best homeopathic clinic, and homeopathic hospital in Jaipur. He has a vast experience of 21 years in this field and is considered to be the best homeopathy doctor for coeliac disease.

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